Saturday, January 21, 2006

Coffee and Newtonian Figurines

Livid dreams are, to me, disturbing
at times, they seem ..SO.. real. i have
a couple of times recognized that it was
a dream, paused it whilst i rose and went
potty, and went back to bed to rev it up
and continue it, with success.

That one half of my brain can talk to the
other half and coordinate events is not so
surprising. That i can only differentiate
the two after some careful thought is the
wierd part.

i have a flag set on that jump over the pile
of debris to hang by my shorts on the dresser
dream. i plan the flag to immediately start a
woody woodpecker cartoon in my head, the one
where he surfaces in the north pole and finds
the unplumbable snowdude.

How's that for a mixed meta force.

Hewwow! heh WO! Pardon me, i'm being paged.

Monday, January 09, 2006


Look What The New Year Brought

No rain.

From life on the curb to drinking directly from the faucet
to peace premature. We love them while they are here.
We always miss them when they are gone.

Quoting : Some mornings, it just doesn't pay to chew through the ropes again.

Pu .. pu.. pu...