Sunday, December 25, 2005

Santa Closed

Christmas is over.
Santa is now officially closed.
Any gifts left on the floor are soon to be mine.
Wake up the hungover elves and make them clean up.
Turn off that DAMNED blue light on aisle 3.
Stop feeding the cat gummy bears.
Start cracking a lot of eggs.
There's nog to make.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Privacy of the Spine

When the news media is feeding in a frenzy, their brains apparently cease to function. These young news people don't remember times when loose lips sank ships. The scary part; when told of it, they still want their story, consequences be damned. Privacy IS a right, but safety is a right, too, and the safety of us all depends on the reasonableness of us all to ask what CAN be answered, and learn patience when it is inappropriate to ask.

Dear news media, wake up and stop being childish. You don't deserve to have every whimsical question answered. If you have brains, try using them. The rest of us would appreciate your willingness to protect the security of us all, instead of whining and spilling every bit of news you can wheedle out of someone with polital pressure. Get some spine and think about the consequence of the questions that you ask.

Monday, December 12, 2005

We Disclose So Much About Ourselves

In the ad, (Name) is a hungry guy with no (Name) Card. Apparently either he does without his meal or the girl behind the counter is going to get fired. Does this ad run before or after the Support the Homeless Shelter Food Program ad? Which one should jack us up the most?

Granny types apparently lay in bed and with a flourish of control, clap twice, commanding the lights to go off. How many times does she have to clap to get help on her electric bill?

It used to be some retail places were hesitant to take your check. Now they want it, run it through a reader, do some electronic voodoo and then give it back to you, telling you again they don't want it, or even need it.

By acting like a bank, they now trust you. Why on earth should you trust them? What were those promises the bank made you when they trusted you with checks good for?
Apparently you only have to HAVE a check. Why not write it in pencil and erase it afterward, so you can use it over and over again?

The grocery store sells out of something they had on sale and rather than restock, they move higher price things sideways into that spot, so you can get home to find you paid not only too much, but got a different item than you reached for based on the shelf label.

Chain stores that stock based on local sales patterns will not all even carry the items they have on sale. Why then do they put the sale price tag on the shelf in front of nothing that even relates to that tag? Are they telling us that since we didn't buy it there in the past, we are to be teased with the empty opportunity to buy it now, on sale?

What about the car in traffic that has his park lites only on, even half an hour after sunset when he's supposed to have headlites on half an hour before that event. Is he saving battery energy, therefore using less fuel charging the battery? By making himself difficult to see, is he risking our safety in lieu of saving the planet? He'd be more successful at saving the planet and our lives if he'd just stay home and never drive at all.

The spritzy gal on the news that had sunken cheeks and painted eyes, fancy hair and the latest attire is trying to distort her face into the grimace or distaste or surprise she deems appropriate to the story being told as news. Remember when the face making and judgement of the content of the news was OUR job, not hers? Is she the leader of the lambs, or just the sheep dog?

A friend tells me that the young person is incapable of independent thought until approximately age 25, when their brain finally jells. That reminds me of what my sister told of Rainbow (G)ell(itan). Where the color could be anything in any portion served at any point in the serving. It DOES look like all the leftovers were put back in a bowl and regelled. Doesn't THAT sound yummy!

People with blogs sometimes appear to have more time and money than good sense. I resemble that.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

It's her birthday, again

Chrismas says it's her birthday. That results in a special treat. She likes that.
I might should keep a log of birthdays. I swear she had one last week, too.
Maybe they have them more often that we do.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Hack Wheeze Pant

Bronchial Flu. A Rap group with attitude? Might as well be. the beat goes on. hack hack hack
the pff pffffffppfff is the sound of sloppy wet sneezes. uh hu uh huh uh huh is the wheezing sound made when you try to get a breath between coughs.

Cats get colds, sneeze and cough even. Runny noses. Watery eyes. Want to help it? Wrap it up, hold it and pet it, talk kindly to it.Pet it's forehead gently and all the while let it breathe from the kleenex you have put a little vics vaporub into. The menthol will help it breathe easier, soothe it's cough, soothe it's dry eyes mattered with cold.

Come to think of it, try some of that treatment your own self.

ok, this is either me about to purrrrr, or a round of chills. Laters.